With the success of the 2023 Superstition ARC SuperFest, the planning committee is committed to a bigger, more structured, and more successful 2024 SuperFest.
The Superstition ARC SuperFest committee has a new, organizational framework to coordinate resources and have clear roles and responsibilities for our volunteers. This will allow for a more enjoyable experience for volunteers as well as the attendees.
With this additional organization, we will have the opportunity to showcase the SuperFest as a “Hamfest and Electronics Show,” with the goal of attracting not only new and existing amateur radio operators but non-Hams to introduce them to the hobby.
Of course, we can’t forget the prizes! Grand prizes have been purchased, and they are not to be missed; first prize is a Yaesu FTDX-10, second prize is a Kenwood TH-D75A HT and third prize is a Yaesu FTM-500DR. The SuperFest website has been updated and grand prize tickets are available now. https://store.superstitionarc.org/tickets