July VE Test Session Results

The Superstition ARC VE Team held a testing session on Saturday July 27, 2024.

We had six applicants for this session which produced two new Technicians, two upgrades to General (one passed both Element 2 and 3) and two Extra class tickets. Congratulations to all of our successful candidates.

Also, thanks to all of the Volunteer Examiners that helped out at this session: Matt, K7YEG; Ed, K7EDT; Hercel, KJ7WHS; Michael, AA0MR; Doug, K7DCE; Thomas, AG7WQ; and Bryan KF7DPC. Also special thanks to Trevor, W7TJH who created reusable answer templates for the team. These templates streamline the grading process. Also, special thanks to Matt, K7YEG for creating calculator containers filled with calculators for testers’ use if needed.

Our next session is scheduled for Saturday, August 24, 2024. Check the Superstition ARC Events Calendar for further details on time and location as we get closer, as this info may be updated.

Superstition ARC Repeaters

147.120 (+) 162.2 Hz (Analog Only)
449.600 (-) 100.0 Hz (Analog Only)
448.275 (-) 100.0 Hz (Fusion)
WB7TJD-R EchoLink
Allstar link 52987

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