Now that we are nearly at the sunspot maximum, 10m is open nearly every day for US and DX contacts. The really cool thing is that US tech license holders can operate on this band with up to 200W on SSB from 28.3 to 28.5MHz. With the very minimum of set up a new tech license holder can literally work the world with just a dipole.
All that’s needed is a simple dipole made of just about any kind of wire, 16.5ft long and coax fed in the center. Because the wavelength is short it doesn’t have to be very high off the ground to be effective. Angle coax away from the element as much as possible.
I’ve worked a number of Tech license holders in recent weeks with wires hanging in trees, and in the attic space. Also a good number were using cheap modified CB antennas, suitably pruned down to resonate in the 10m amateur band. Another option is “Hamstick” type ham whips on magnetic mounts on the roof of their vehicles while at a local park etc.

Remember to call CQ. Just find a clear space, ask if the frequency is clear and then call CQ three or four times, give your call and listen for the responses. Don’t give up if you don’t get an answer on the first few tries. Good luck, and enjoy the experience of being on the HF bands and study hard for your General and join us on the other HF bands soon!