Thank you for your past members’ support of the Radio Society of Tucson (RST) Hamfests. As you probably know, the RST radio club conducts two major hamfests a year. Our next one is on October 5th. The RST hamfests are growing both in the number of attendees and tailgating sellers. Also growing is the number and value of raffle prizes being awarded, and the number of new members raising their hands and volunteering.
This growth is partly due to increased publicity and RST’s part in increasing the amateur radio population in the greater Tucson area. Out last Technician licensing class had 16 students with another Technician class starting up in February 2025. We just completed a “Technician to General” class and our Laurel VE team administered over 155 free tests (maybe more) over the past 12 months. Most of the test candidates “met requirements” and are now licensed. Our “Radio Days in the Park” event has also been a big hit.
You could help us again by supporting our October Autumn Hamfest through your purchase of raffle tickets and attendance. Who knows? You might just win a terrific prize! Our website is at From there just click on the Hamfest pictorial.
Here is the list of prizes. We are still doing raffles the old fashioned way with paper tickets in a barrel. No AI. I usually have a cute Cub Scout pulling out the tickets.
- Yaesu FT-991A HF/VHF/UHF Transceiver
- Icom IC-7300 HF/6m Transceiver
- Yaesu FT-891 HF/6m Transceiver
- Yaesu FTM-500DR 2M/70cm Dual Band C4FM Transceiver
- Yaesu FTM-300DR 2M/70cm Dual Band C4FM Transceiver
- Comet CAA500MKII Antenna Analyzer
- Daiwa CN901HP HF SWR Wattmeter
- Daiwa CN901VN VHF/UHF SWR Wattmeter
Thanks and 73 from Joe, K3TYE, Hamfest Chairman, RST President Pro Tempore.