October VE Testing

In the October VE testing session Charles Keyes, KK7VEM successfully upgraded to General, while Mikhail Churyckin and Ethan Paul passed the technician test. We also had one person fail the technician test.

Thank you to Wes Erickson (who makes every test session from Florence), AG7WQ; Doug Paquette, K7DCE; Michael Reed, AA0MR; Ed Taggard, K7EDT; Trevor Hansen, W7TJH; and Matt Churchill, K7YEG.

This is our last regular test session of the year. Our final session will be at the Superfest.

Superstition ARC Repeaters

147.120 (+) 162.2 Hz (Analog Only)
449.600 (-) 100.0 Hz (Analog Only)
448.275 (-) 100.0 Hz (Fusion)
WB7TJD-R EchoLink
Allstar link 52987

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