President's Corner

A monthly message from the President of the Superstition Amateur Radio Club

President’s Corner for July 2024

Hello fellow club members. I hope everyone is staying cool. Man, did it get hot overnight or what? A few of us club members cooled off by heading North to Lost Eden for Field Day 2024.

We had lower attendance this year than we have had in the past. I’m not sure why, but those of you who did not go this year missed out on some great fun. We broke club records with overall contacts this year.

Brian, W7JET, was operating CW as he usually does and this year he had a new club member by his side. Normally it would be Charlie Brown, but I guess a trip to Hawaii was more important this year. Hi Hi…

We had a lot of new hams and new club members drive up and a couple of them operated HF for the very first time. One of them was Sheryl. Her call sign escapes me. Sorry, Sheryl and I hope I am spelling your name right. Eve, W7EVE, sat down with her and was teaching how to call CQ. You can see a short video on the club Facebook page. At one point all the ladies were there together. They all had a blast.

We had a small raffle and several of the new members won prizes. What are the odds? How cool was that? We had about 10 people join in on the Fox hunt, and we had a blast wandering around camp trying to find the hidden fox. It was found by our club Treasurer Brian KF7DPC. Of course he brought along a huge direction finding antenna. Cheater!!! Ha, just kidding… Brian won an Explorer hand held radio.

Late Saturday night Herchel, KJ7WHS and I teamed up on 40 meters. Meanwhile Douglas, W7ADD and JD, KF7VOX teamed up on 20 meters. With rain coming down, we ended up having a little competition between us to see what team could get the most contacts. Herchel and I were getting our butts kicked, but then by 3am we passed them up and ended the night, I mean morning, pulling ahead by 20 contacts. Our total for the night was around 160 contacts. Douglas and JD had around 120 contacts.

The only reason we gave up, other than it was starting to get a little chilly, was because we were getting so tired we almost couldn’t talk straight any more. We were fumbling over trying to call CQ, and K7K was starting to sound like “you puke cake”. JD and I have a Field Day tradition of staying up late and getting those last few contacts, however we switched it up this year. Maybe next year, JD.

Our next big club event is going to be our annual Organ Stop Pizza event. Someone asked me what the purpose of this event is. Well for those who do not know, it is mostly just a social event. This is an event we have to get all club members together outside of a meeting to meet everyone and just have a great time. I also give out a award or two to deserving people in the club and recognize others. This year will be more recognition than prizes and awards. The Board got a little upset with me last year for the amount of money I spent on this event. Hi Hi.

The Organ Stop Pizza event will be Saturday, July 13th. The event starts at 12:00 and goes to 2:00pm. The cost is $10 per person. Drinks are extra. Also, you have until the 3rd of July to let us know how many people you are bringing. Guests do not have to be hams or members of the club. We need a count on how many folks will be there so that we have enough food for everyone. This event will be considered our July meeting. There will be no other meetings in July other than Board Of Directors meeting.

Starting In August the club will be holding the General club meetings back at the Charles K. Luster building at 640 North Mesa Drive in Mesa.

The meeting will start at 7pm and end at 9pm. We will be in the back meeting room as we always have, except for September. In September we will be in the front room. That is the room to your left as you walk in the doors. Our first meeting back there is August 20th. I hope to see a full room.

73 for now and keep cool.

Superstition ARC Repeaters

147.120 (+) 162.2 Hz (Analog Only)
449.600 (-) 100.0 Hz (Analog Only)
448.275 (-) 100.0 Hz (Fusion)
WB7TJD-R EchoLink
Allstar link 52987

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