The Superstition Amateur Radio Club will be participating in the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day event, held annually on the fourth weekend in June. This tests our ability to communicate remotely under adverse portable conditions. So pack up your favorite HF radios, antennas, power supplies and accessories and leave the valley of the sun behind for the cool pines of Lost Eden in northern Arizona.
As a club we will be operating under the special event callsign K7K. We will get an opportunity to operate our radio gear in an environment that will test our abilities to construct a radio station operating on solar, battery or generator power, and with experimental antennas. We will also get to use communication modes that we normally may not get exposed to.
From ARRL: “Field Day is ham radio’s open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event.”
Field Day has been an annual event since 1933 and is the most popular event in ham radio. The objective is to contact as many stations as possible on the 160, 80, 40, 20,15 and 10 Meter HF bands, as well as all bands 50 MHz and above. In the process of doing that, we learn to operate in abnormal situations, in less than optimal conditions.
The Superstition Amateur Radio Club invites everyone with an interest in amateur radio to join us for this event at Lost Eden. Whether you come up for the day or camp overnight, this is a great social event to make friends and experiment with your equipment. We hope to see you all there in the cool pines of our great state.
Event Raffles
1. Sign up with a friend or by yourself and operate a club station for an hour, and also receive a free raffle ticket to win an ARRL Field Day 2024 (XL) t-shirt
2. $5.00 raffle tickets will be available to win a Chameleon CHA EMCOMM 11 V2 antenna

Events Schedule
11:00AM…….Event Grounds Open
11:00AM…….Club Booth Setup
1:00PM………Club Booth Open
11:00AM…….FD Begins (1800 UTC)
3:00PM………Picnic (no food sharing)
3:30PM………Field Day Treasures Raffle
3:45PM………Antenna Raffle
4:00PM………Group Field Day Photo
11:59PM…….FD Ends (2059 UTC)
2:00PM………Gates closed

Picnic Information
This year, please prepare a meal for yourself or as a family and eat with the group at 3:00PM. During the picnic, listen for your ticket number to be called for one of our great prizes. Food will not be prepared by the club and members are encouraged NOT to share food items during this event.
Planning Your Trip

The drive to Lost Eden is an approximately 125 mile trip from the valley. It takes about 2 ¼ hours to drive north on the 87 (Beeline Highway) through some of the best scenery in Arizona. The site is located at GPS coordinates 34.6323, -111.25964
All roads are either paved or gravel forest roads that are well maintained and navigable by passenger cars, trucks, campers, and motorhomes. Please take your time on your drive up to Lost Eden and enjoy the varied landscape that Arizona has to offer and be aware of wildlife crossing the road, especially north of Payson, as you climb up the rim into the pines.
While you may plan your trip by several methods, below you will find a few that we thought of that will get you to the Field Day site with little effort.
2. Use the ARRL Field Day Locator at the url http://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator and enter K7K in the Location / Callsign search field. After hitting enter, the pin relating to our site will turn green and you can obtain information relating to the site in the pop-up window.
2. Download the GPX navigation file for Lost Eden from Ham Club Online from the files directory located at the following URL: https://secure.hamclubonline.com/club/files.php?folder=124 and load it into your favorite navigation tool. This file’s starting point is at the intersection of the loop 202 and the 87 (Beeline Highway).
3. Navigate by the map above using the odometer readings and landmark comments listed below. The map illustrates only the 87 near where you turn off on forest road 211 and the forest service roads to Lost Eden in order to provide more detail. The route will also be marked with Field Day signs on forest road 211 route to guide you.
Mileage | Landmark / Comment |
0 | Reset your trip odometer to 0 at the 202 & 87 interchange just after you turn onto 87 northbound |
70.1 | Welcome to Payson, Arizona home to the world’s oldest continuous rodeo |
85.4 | Welcome to Pine, Arizona home to some of the best summer festivals in Arizona |
89.1 | Welcome to Strawberry, Arizona home to the oldest one room schoolhouse in Arizona |
108 | Clints Well, stop at the gas station and get some ice! |
117.4 | Mogollon Rim Ranger Office, Slow Way Down You Are Turning Left In About 100 Yards! |
117.6 | Forest Road 211, Turn left towards Long Lake, follow FR211 for approximately 5 miles, follow the field day signs |
122.4 | Forest Road 211F, you will see a Superstition ARC banner, turn left and follow FR211F through the small wash and curve to the right where you will encounter the gate to Lost Eden and the Superstition ARC Field Day site |

Site Communications
Please bring an HT and program it for the site simplex frequency to aid in communication with the entire group. We will be monitoring the frequency in case you have any questions on the way to the site as well.
- Site communications frequency: 147.50 simplex.
- Cellular services are unreliable to non-existent at Lost Eden. For these services, you will need to drive off the Field Day site back out to route 87 or to Clints Well.
- The club booth will monitor the simplex frequency and the ARA Rim-Link system if you need further information. ARA Rim-Link repeaters listed below provide good coverage for the drive to Lost Eden.
147.360 + 162.2Mt. Ord, Sunflower Rimlink
448.500 – 100.0Mingus Mtn., Cottonwood Rimlink
147.140 + 162.2Mt. Elden, Flagstaff Rimlink
Field Day Donations
There will be a Field Day Donations can located at the club booth. Each year the club allocates funds that pay for rest rooms, radio equipment, prizes, food, and other items for Field Day. Please donate to the club if you can, so that we may continue to improve and expand upon our Field Day activities.
If you need any further information, please contact Dan KC7MSU or Jeff K2DFE and we will assist you in any way possible.
73, Your Field Day Team.