President's Corner

A monthly message from the President of the Superstition Amateur Radio Club

President’s Corner for November 2024

Hello, fellow club members. I hope everyone is doing okay. It is finally time for things to start cooling off. Man, what a hot Summer we had. I think we say that every year, though. Well, there is not much club news for me to report this month. We are winding down the year and looking forward to 2025.

We have the club SuperFest coming up in December and the team is still looking for help. Please donate an hour of your time to help out with this great club hamfest. It is the biggest in the area, and we need lots of help to make it run smoothly.

Please go to the website and sign up when and where you can. Go to and go to the bottom of the page, then click the button that will take you to the signup zone. Here, you can pick a position and time you can help out.

Without the donations from this event, the club would not be able to provide all the membership benefits.

At the beginning of the year, the Board Of Directors will be looking for people to fill some committee positions. We will have a place at each meeting for you to sign up. Some of these areas include the following:

  • Tech
  • Field Day
  • Website
  • Donations
  • Hamfest
  • Hospitality
  • Inventory
  • And others

Please join a committee and help out where you can. 73, and I will catch you on the air…

Superstition ARC Repeaters

147.120 (+) 162.2 Hz (Analog Only)
449.600 (-) 100.0 Hz (Analog Only)
448.275 (-) 100.0 Hz (Fusion)
WB7TJD-R EchoLink
Allstar link 52987

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