President's Corner
A monthly message from the President of the Superstition Amateur Radio Club
President’s Corner for October 2024
The new repeater link system is now in place and operating well. The Tech team decided to use the AllStarLink system for the link. The club owns node number 53656 and this is the AllStarLink node up at Usery Mountain. It is also on the internet and is listed as a public node. That means stations from all over the world can connect to our repeater.
There is a second private node at the site that is connected to the simplex radio that is the link back to the Stone Castle site. The Stone Castle site is the 449.600 repeater. Except for the node numbers, the setup is the same. There are still some audio adjustments to make. However, we think this system will work well for the club. The Tech crew is in the process of training to learn the AllStarLink system.
We are already two club meetings away from the Superfest, and man is it coming fast. As always, the hamfest committee is looking for volunteers to help run the event. It seems we always have the same six to ten people helping out. There is no way the club can continue to hold this event without help.
There are 240 people in this club and there is no reason why we struggle to find people to help out. I have recently reached out to other clubs in the area asking for assistance. That is just crazy that we have to do that. There is some talk that we may have to consider ending this hamfest. By the way, it is one of the biggest in the Southwest!
Just a few people cannot do it anymore. They’ve been doing this year after year and some of them are getting tired of it. All we ask is to help out for one hour somewhere.
We have a button on the website that takes you to what is called The Sign-up Zone. Please, please, go there and fill in one of the spots. Go to the bottom of the page, and click to sign up to volunteer.
Your help will help the club continue to hold this great Superfest. Oh, and all volunteers are entered into a separate raffle drawing to win a super Superfest prize. You have about a one-in-a-hundred chance of winning rather than 1 in several thousand.
If it sounds like I am begging for help, it is because I am…
73 and I will catch you on the air.